Nine Lives of Code

Go: Ray Tracing

I'm writing this post to register my ending following the awesome book Ray Tracing in One Weekend.

Here is the project final result: final_image

All the book implementation is done with C++, but I did it using Go as a matter of study and practice; it got me hooked all the way to the end. I recommend it to everyone who's looking for some cool projects to build with a new language.

A little bit more about the progress; it took me 4 days to complete the book, I got stuck some times trying to understand the math, but I think anyone with a little understanding of basic Linear Algebra (mainly vectors actually) can follow it easily.

If you want to see my Go implementation, check my project repo on Github. There is some development notes as well if you are interested in reading some of my learning process.

That's everything for today, see you!