Nine Lives of Code

Welcome to Nine Lives of Code.

Hi, my name is Marcelo, and I'm a Software Developer. Online, I go by SeaSkyThe, but you can call me Sea or Sky, whatever you prefer.

Here, I will write about life, tech projects and anything that comes to mind.

Currently, I'm learning Go and flirting with OCaml. I also have some interest in diving into compilers and programming language theory.

I am a “knowledge as a human right” advocate. My personal goal is to learn something everyday and be able to work with compilers/dev tooling. Also, I aim to improve myself to the point of contributing to Open Source and spreading my ideals.

Thanks for stopping by. Take a seat and stay cozy. If you have something to say, feel free to contact me.

Here is my GitHub if you want to check what I am working on.

"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."